Molecular Identification of Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) in Cervical Neoplasia and the Risk Factors Affecting Cervical Cancer in Isfahan

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Microbiology, Falavarjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Young Researchers and Elite Club , Falavarjan Branch , Islamic Azad University , Isfahan , Iran.

3 Zistpartac research institute, Isfahan, Iran

4 Amin hospital, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences


The rate of cervical cancer in Asians is deferent, based on the risk factors affecting and the rate of papiloma virus infection among females. Cervical cancer is one of the important cancers between Iranian women. In the present study the rate of cervical neoplasia was detected in Isfahan and some risk factors affecting the incidence of cervical cancer was analyzed. The human papiloma virus infection was also detected in cervical neoplasia via PCR method after DNA extraction. 15000 pap smear tests results achieved from patient documents for detection of the rate of squamous cell neoplasia, based on at least one report in pap smear test in a random and distributed sampling. We have also studied the effect of some risk factors on the incidence of cervical cancer in 100 patient and 100 females without any neoplasia report as a control group. The results analyzed by Chi2 and T tests. The rate of human papiloma virus (HPV) infection detected in pap smear specimens using specific primers for amplification of HPV genome. At least one neoplastic report was shown in 0.91% of females and 0.61% of which had at least one ascus report. 55.4% of patients with neoplasic pap tests were infected with HPV in PCR test. Teenage marriage, high parities, lower education and smoking increases the risk of cervical neoplasia. It is concluded that molecular methods including genome analysis are useful method in identification of HPV.


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