Evaluation of antibacterial effect of green tea extract on bacterial isolated from patients with vaginal infection

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Microbiology,School of Medicine,Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,Tehran,Iran

2 Department of Microbiology,School of Mdicine,Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,Tehran,Iran

3 Department of Microbiology,School of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,Tehran,Iran

4 Molecular Microbiology Research Center (MMRC), Shahed University, Tehran, IRAN

5 Msc Student of Microbiology,Islamic Azad University of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Tehran,Iran

6 Department of Microbiology,School of Mdicine,Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences,Sari,Iran


Introduction: Vaginitis is an inflammatory and infectious disease in human host that involved vaginal mucosa. Increase of resistance to various antibacterial agent has been very significant in three or four recent decades and this important subject reveals the use of new and natural sources such as plants with medical and antimicrobial property for eradication of these infections. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the antibacterial effect of green tea plant on vaginitis agents.
Materials and Methods: This experimental study was performed on 60 samples obtained from patients with genital infection. Then, samples were introduced to transport medium and transported to microbiology laboratory of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science. Incubation was performed after culturing the samples in specific medium. Microorganisms were identified responsible for vaginitis and isolated after growth of colonies and performing the confirmation tests. Finally, disk diffusion and MIC tests were performed for detection of susceptibility and resistance of infections to 6 mentioned antibiotics in comparison with green tea extract.

Risults: The antibacterial effect of green tea extract on lactobacillus and listeria was more effective in comparison with current antibiotics except ciprofloxacin. Green tea extract had antibacterial effect on B group streptococcus as like as gentamicin and ampicillin.
Conclusion: Green tea extract can be used as an effective antimicrobial agent in conjunction with other antibiotics for the treatment of vaginal infections in women.


Main Subjects