Hypericin Extracts Antibacterial Effect of Cultivated Hypericum perforatum Against Staphylococcus aureus Susceptible and Methicillin-Resistant

Document Type : Research Article


Depatment of Medicinal Plants,Islamic Azad University,Toekabon Branch,Tonekabon,IRAN.


Staphylococcus aureus are important factors for infections that acquired of hospital and community. Infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus mainly of hospital origin, which in many countries is increasing. For this reason, many researchers have tried to find new compounds as a substitute for these antibiotics. Hypericin is the active substance H.perforatum and licone material from the group of flavonoids that have high antiviral and antibacterial properties. Due to high demand and the Limitation of pastures, H. perforatum cultivated under different fertilizer treatments, and showed that by increasing the amount of fertilizer, the amount of nitrogen and potash hypericin will rise in the fourth level of manures. The about antibacterial effect was conducted the sodden of plants in different dilution and disk diffusion method. Each test was repeated three times, the mean diameter of inhibition zone was measured on Mueller Hinton culture medium. Bacteria in various dilutions have significant effects that the greatest impact on pure dilution and the lowest occurred in a dilution of 0.125 mg.Activity percent effective decoctions of herbs against the MRSA, MSSA and total strains were measured and the most was in MRSA strains.


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