Keyword Index


  • Acetobacter Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using native Acetobacter and Pediococcus strains [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1479-1488]
  • AF147447 gene Evaluation of long non-coding RNA n34560, AF147447, and SNHG8 genes expression levels in gastric cancer patients and their association with Helicobacter pylori and Epstein-Barr virus infections [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1564-1574]
  • Antagonistic Activity Antagonistic Potential of Bacillus and Pseudomonas Isolates from Wheat Rhizosphere against Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and Bipolaris sorokiniana [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1540-1547]
  • Antibacterial Bacterial infection pattern in ventilated burn patients in the southwest of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1410-1415]
  • Antibacterial in vitro anticancer and antibacterial activities of Avena ludoviciana L. [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1530-1539]
  • Antibacterial activity Effect of some fermentation conditions on antibacterial activity of extracted kefiran from kefir grains [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1444-1463]
  • Antifungal Investigation the effect of [Met-Hcl] [Pys] ionic liquid (ILA) on candida albicans standard strain and evaluation of its toxicity on mammalian cells [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1509-1514]
  • Antifungal activity Antagonistic activity of cellulose-degrading bacteria isolated from soil and bovine waste against some phytopathogenic fungi [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1431-1436]
  • Antimicrobial Activity Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Vitamin C on Vaginal Infection Caused by Candida albicans and Escherichia coli in the Mouse Model [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1575-1585]
  • Avena ludoviciana L in vitro anticancer and antibacterial activities of Avena ludoviciana L. [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1530-1539]


  • Bacteria Bacterial infection pattern in ventilated burn patients in the southwest of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1410-1415]
  • Beluga (Huso huso) Isolation and Molecular Identification of Potential Probiotic Yeasts from the gastrointestinal tract of Beluga Fish [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1471-1478]
  • Biological methods Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using native Acetobacter and Pediococcus strains [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1479-1488]
  • Bipolaris sorokiniana Antagonistic Potential of Bacillus and Pseudomonas Isolates from Wheat Rhizosphere against Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and Bipolaris sorokiniana [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1540-1547]
  • Blood parasite Molecular detection of Critidia fasciculata and other blood parasites in Rhombomis opimus from northern Iran as endemic area [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1548-1555]
  • Burn Bacterial infection pattern in ventilated burn patients in the southwest of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1410-1415]
  • Burn ICU Bacterial infection pattern in ventilated burn patients in the southwest of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1410-1415]


  • C. albicans Evaluating the effect of a novel ionic liquid ([prolinium chloride] [1-methylimidazolium 3-sulfonate]) on a candida albicans standard strain and its cytotoxicity to mammalian cells [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1524-1529]
  • C. albicans Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Vitamin C on Vaginal Infection Caused by Candida albicans and Escherichia coli in the Mouse Model [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1575-1585]
  • Ciprofloxacin Curcumin and restoration of ciprofloxacin susceptibility to clinical isolates of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa with mutated genes involved in ciprofloxacin resistance [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1515-1523]
  • Crithidia Molecular detection of Critidia fasciculata and other blood parasites in Rhombomis opimus from northern Iran as endemic area [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1548-1555]
  • Curcumin Curcumin and restoration of ciprofloxacin susceptibility to clinical isolates of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa with mutated genes involved in ciprofloxacin resistance [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1515-1523]
  • Cytomegalovirus Evaluation of the Probable linkage between Cytomegalovirus and Type 2 ‎diabetes ‎ [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1437-1443]
  • Cytotoxicity Investigation the effect of [Met-Hcl] [Pys] ionic liquid (ILA) on candida albicans standard strain and evaluation of its toxicity on mammalian cells [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1509-1514]


  • Diabetes Evaluation of the Probable linkage between Cytomegalovirus and Type 2 ‎diabetes ‎ [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1437-1443]
  • Disinfectant Antifungal Effects of Oregano Essential Oil on Dermatophyte and Non-Dermatophyte Fungi Isolates from Sport Mats: A Report from The Golestan Province, Iran [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1489-1494]


  • E. coli Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Vitamin C on Vaginal Infection Caused by Candida albicans and Escherichia coli in the Mouse Model [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1575-1585]
  • Efflux pumps Curcumin and restoration of ciprofloxacin susceptibility to clinical isolates of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa with mutated genes involved in ciprofloxacin resistance [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1515-1523]
  • Escherichia coli The antibacterial, antioxidant and cytotoxicity effects of S. officinalis in an in vitro study [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1556-1563]


  • Fermentation conditions Effect of some fermentation conditions on antibacterial activity of extracted kefiran from kefir grains [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1444-1463]
  • Fermented milk Effect of some fermentation conditions on antibacterial activity of extracted kefiran from kefir grains [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1444-1463]
  • Foodborne pathogen Antibacterial activity of Bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis isolates from dairy products against Foodborne Pathogens [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1416-1422]
  • Fungi Antifungal Effects of Oregano Essential Oil on Dermatophyte and Non-Dermatophyte Fungi Isolates from Sport Mats: A Report from The Golestan Province, Iran [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1489-1494]


  • Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici Antagonistic Potential of Bacillus and Pseudomonas Isolates from Wheat Rhizosphere against Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and Bipolaris sorokiniana [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1540-1547]
  • GC-MS analysis in vitro anticancer and antibacterial activities of Avena ludoviciana L. [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1530-1539]
  • Golestan province Molecular detection of Critidia fasciculata and other blood parasites in Rhombomis opimus from northern Iran as endemic area [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1548-1555]
  • GvpA Recombinant production of chimeric protein Mfp-3-GvpA in yeast Pichia pastori [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1495-1508]


  • Herpesviridae‎ Evaluation of the Probable linkage between Cytomegalovirus and Type 2 ‎diabetes ‎ [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1437-1443]


  • Internal transcribed spacer Isolation and Molecular Identification of Potential Probiotic Yeasts from the gastrointestinal tract of Beluga Fish [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1471-1478]
  • Ionic liquid Investigation the effect of [Met-Hcl] [Pys] ionic liquid (ILA) on candida albicans standard strain and evaluation of its toxicity on mammalian cells [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1509-1514]
  • Ionic liquids Evaluating the effect of a novel ionic liquid ([prolinium chloride] [1-methylimidazolium 3-sulfonate]) on a candida albicans standard strain and its cytotoxicity to mammalian cells [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1524-1529]


  • Kefiran Effect of some fermentation conditions on antibacterial activity of extracted kefiran from kefir grains [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1444-1463]
  • Kefir Grains Effect of some fermentation conditions on antibacterial activity of extracted kefiran from kefir grains [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1444-1463]
  • Klebsiella pneumonia The antibacterial, antioxidant and cytotoxicity effects of S. officinalis in an in vitro study [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1556-1563]


  • Lactobacillus acidophilus Investigation of Antagonistic effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus Isolated from the Gastrointestinal Tract of Oscar fish (Astronotus Ocellatus) on Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1464-1470]


  • Metal Nanoparticle Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Vitamin C on Vaginal Infection Caused by Candida albicans and Escherichia coli in the Mouse Model [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1575-1585]
  • Mfp-3 Recombinant production of chimeric protein Mfp-3-GvpA in yeast Pichia pastori [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1495-1508]
  • MTT Investigation the effect of [Met-Hcl] [Pys] ionic liquid (ILA) on candida albicans standard strain and evaluation of its toxicity on mammalian cells [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1509-1514]
  • Mutation Curcumin and restoration of ciprofloxacin susceptibility to clinical isolates of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa with mutated genes involved in ciprofloxacin resistance [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1515-1523]
  • Mytilus edulis Recombinant production of chimeric protein Mfp-3-GvpA in yeast Pichia pastori [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1495-1508]


  • Oregano essential oil Antifungal Effects of Oregano Essential Oil on Dermatophyte and Non-Dermatophyte Fungi Isolates from Sport Mats: A Report from The Golestan Province, Iran [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1489-1494]
  • Oscar fish Investigation of Antagonistic effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus Isolated from the Gastrointestinal Tract of Oscar fish (Astronotus Ocellatus) on Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1464-1470]


  • PCR Study of salmonella infection in broiler turkey carcasses in some provinces in Iran; molecular detection and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1423-1430]
  • PCR Investigation of Antagonistic effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus Isolated from the Gastrointestinal Tract of Oscar fish (Astronotus Ocellatus) on Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1464-1470]
  • Pediococcus Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using native Acetobacter and Pediococcus strains [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1479-1488]
  • Phytopathogen Antagonistic activity of cellulose-degrading bacteria isolated from soil and bovine waste against some phytopathogenic fungi [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1431-1436]
  • Pichia pastoris Recombinant production of chimeric protein Mfp-3-GvpA in yeast Pichia pastori [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1495-1508]
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‎ Evaluation of the Probable linkage between Cytomegalovirus and Type 2 ‎diabetes ‎ [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1437-1443]
  • Probiotic Isolation and Molecular Identification of Potential Probiotic Yeasts from the gastrointestinal tract of Beluga Fish [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1471-1478]
  • Protein expiration Recombinant production of chimeric protein Mfp-3-GvpA in yeast Pichia pastori [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1495-1508]
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa Investigation of Antagonistic effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus Isolated from the Gastrointestinal Tract of Oscar fish (Astronotus Ocellatus) on Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1464-1470]
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa Curcumin and restoration of ciprofloxacin susceptibility to clinical isolates of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa with mutated genes involved in ciprofloxacin resistance [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1515-1523]
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa The antibacterial, antioxidant and cytotoxicity effects of S. officinalis in an in vitro study [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1556-1563]


  • Rhizosphere Antagonistic Potential of Bacillus and Pseudomonas Isolates from Wheat Rhizosphere against Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and Bipolaris sorokiniana [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1540-1547]
  • Rhombomys opimus Molecular detection of Critidia fasciculata and other blood parasites in Rhombomis opimus from northern Iran as endemic area [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1548-1555]
  • Rodent Molecular detection of Critidia fasciculata and other blood parasites in Rhombomis opimus from northern Iran as endemic area [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1548-1555]


  • Salmonella Enteritidis Study of salmonella infection in broiler turkey carcasses in some provinces in Iran; molecular detection and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1423-1430]
  • Salmonella typhimurium Antibacterial activity of Bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis isolates from dairy products against Foodborne Pathogens [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1416-1422]
  • Salvia officinalis The antibacterial, antioxidant and cytotoxicity effects of S. officinalis in an in vitro study [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1556-1563]
  • Sequencing  Isolation and Molecular Identification of Potential Probiotic Yeasts from the gastrointestinal tract of Beluga Fish [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1471-1478]
  • Shigella flexneri Antibacterial activity of Bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis isolates from dairy products against Foodborne Pathogens [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1416-1422]
  • SNHG8 gene Evaluation of long non-coding RNA n34560, AF147447, and SNHG8 genes expression levels in gastric cancer patients and their association with Helicobacter pylori and Epstein-Barr virus infections [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1564-1574]
  • Staphylococcus aureus Antibacterial activity of Bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis isolates from dairy products against Foodborne Pathogens [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1416-1422]
  • Staphylococcus aureus The antibacterial, antioxidant and cytotoxicity effects of S. officinalis in an in vitro study [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1556-1563]


  • Toxicity Evaluating the effect of a novel ionic liquid ([prolinium chloride] [1-methylimidazolium 3-sulfonate]) on a candida albicans standard strain and its cytotoxicity to mammalian cells [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1524-1529]
  • Traditional Iranian Medicine Antifungal Effects of Oregano Essential Oil on Dermatophyte and Non-Dermatophyte Fungi Isolates from Sport Mats: A Report from The Golestan Province, Iran [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1489-1494]


  • VAP Bacterial infection pattern in ventilated burn patients in the southwest of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1410-1415]


  • Wheat Antagonistic Potential of Bacillus and Pseudomonas Isolates from Wheat Rhizosphere against Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and Bipolaris sorokiniana [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1540-1547]


  • Yeast Isolation and Molecular Identification of Potential Probiotic Yeasts from the gastrointestinal tract of Beluga Fish [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1471-1478]